VAX KMSKIT V4.3 This submission contains a complete VPW V4.3 update and updates to our system command procedures. Reasons for the V4.3 update include, A) Cluster compatibility, B) bug fixes, C) improvements, D) inability to leave well enough alone. To fully utilize this submission, you may need KMSKIT V4.0, V4.1, or V4.2 and files from various DECUS tapes. For example, the VASSAR spelling checker dictionary file is not included. On the other hand, when just executables are needed from one of our common directories (SYS$UTILITY), I have tended to include them even if unchanged from previous releases so that new KMS users do not have to scrounge through many past symposium tapes. Included in the KMSKIT package are the subdirectories. [KMSKIT.SYSMGR] - Useful V4.3 command procedures for controling the system and making life generally easier for all. Many updates and changes since last release. Powerfail monitor. Automatic login notification for operators if the system is having hardware problems. Easy way to switch between configurations from one boot to the next. Incremental restore procedure than works with the incremental backup procedure. A very powerful improved set of procedures for establishing an operator account. Procedure for implementing dual passwords for dial-in users. Procedure for setting up a terminal as the right type at login (even if VMS does not yet support it). Privileged command procedure catcher. Procedures for using a using a port multiplexer to stretch your existing ports. The ability to issue commands from one cluster node and have them execute on other nodes in the cluster. [KMSKIT.SYSUTL] - Useful things. All V4.3 compatible a) VAX CALC update which has online help. b) Improved auto-logoff facility, c) SETMODEM to enable DMF lines 0 and 1 to be used with 4 wire cables. d) An improved (albeit, slightly considering the work which originally went into it) version of AVATU. e) TEKGRAPH, A program which creates graphs on VT125's,4014's and VT24x terminals. Bug fixed, features added. Hardcopy command works for VT240. f) A modified version of TVG which knows about our 4014 terminals (/DEV=FT1) and our VT240 terminals. This is probably not R. Grandle's current version, but it is used by VPW. g) Power fail catcher [KMSKIT.TVG] - Please get the sources for our version from the FALL 1985 symposium tape. [KMSKIT.LSETPU] DCL Windows for LSE/TPU. Neat conversion procedures to let you view escape sequences in text files. I did not write this, DEC did. Very good example of writing a big procedure. [KMSKIT.VPW] - V4.3 of the VAX Professional Workstation. Not quite ALL-IN-ONE, but close, very close, (and getting closer) and Oh, so much cheaper !! including WINDOWS with typeahead! VPW V4.3 is MUCH FASTER, very modular, uses logical names and is so easy to reconfigure. Some changes were required from last release to make everything work on V4.3 in a Cluster. MASS11 word processing support. Included with this release is a) GraphMaster, an interactive procedure for graphics (graphs, slides, etc). Graphs may be generated either with DECgraph, TEKgraph, or DTR (on VT125's or VT24x's). Support for curvfitting, and some graphics data file transformations. b) Support for VT240 graphics. c) V3.2 of NOTEBOOK d) Procedures support VT2xx terminals. e) Procedures support FULL editing windows (with a window banner that stays and stays and stays.....) and which supports typeahead. f) A version of EDT (VPWEDIT)which supports WINDOWS (again with a full editing screen and a banner that stays....) and a clipboard and INSTANT system level help from within the editing session. g) A version of EDT to use for browsing files. h) A "rubber band" menu dispatcher (the VAX Toolbox) I) A VAX Problem Reporter (an automated internal SPR system). j) VAX DTC (Date Book Calendar). Replaces DATEBOOK. You have to see it to believe it. All RSX bugs fixed. Context sensitive help!, Display wierdness's fixed. Print and Purge commands. Integrated with VPW. k) Privileged command procedure dispatcher. L) LN03 Support for Word processing including a) SYSDEVCTL.TLB control files to change font size b) Utility to allow RUNOFF bolded and underlined text to be printed properly on the LN03. (obsolete) M) Support for the VASSAR spelling checker (better than Dennison version but the choice is yours). N) MASS11 support. A great MASS11 start up procedure. 0) Support for capturing a VT240 screen to a sixel file. P) Support for placing SIXIL graphics files where you want them on the page Q) Capture screens to sixel dump file. Please, note that the procedures, programs etc, may assume site dependent information not applicable to all sites. Command procedures may have to be modified to work to reflect the correct location of files. Some command procedures assume the existance of certain files or executable images (generally, but not always, available from DECUS tapes). I appologize for not having something which goes in as easy as a VMS Update kit. As always, complaints, suggestions, or praise (preferably the latter) may be directed to: James G. Downward KMS Fusion, Inc. PO. Box 1567 Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106 (313)-769-8500 26-April-1986