; ; GETJPI - for FINGER ; ; Inputs - ; ; @4(ap) - Address of PID ; ; Outputs - ; ; @8(ap) - Address for username ; @12(ap) - Username length ; @16(ap) - Image name ; @20(ap) - Terminal name ; @24(ap) - Terminal name length ; @28(ap) - Account name ; @32(ap) - State ; @36(ap) - Cpu time ; @40(ap) - Ppgcnt ; @44(ap) - Gpgcnt ; @48(ap) - Sts ; @52(ap) - Owner ; @56(ap) - Pid ; $jpidef ; .entry getjpi,0 ; moval 8(ap),r0 movl (r0)+,unam movl (r0)+,unamln movl (r0)+,imnam movl (r0)+,tnam movl (r0)+,tnamln movl (r0)+,accnt movl (r0)+,state movl (r0)+,cputim movl (r0)+,ppgcnt movl (r0)+,gpgcnt movl (r0)+,sts movl (r0)+,owner movl (r0)+,pid $getjpi_s #5,@4(ap),,getlst,iosb blbc r0,10$ $waitfr_s #5 movzwl iosb,r0 10$: ret ; iosb: .blkw 4 ; IOSB for GETJPI getlst: .word 12 ; Length of username .word jpi$_username ; Request code unam: .blkl 1 ; Username address unamln: .blkl 1 ; Username length address ; .word 80 ; Length of image name .word jpi$_imagname ; Request code imnam: .blkl 1 ; Image name address .long 0 ; Length not needed ; .word 4 ; Length of state .word jpi$_state ; Request code state: .blkl 1 ; State address .long 0 ; Length not needed ; .word 4 ; Length of ppgcnt .word jpi$_ppgcnt ; Request code ppgcnt: .blkl 1 ; Ppgcnt address .long 0 ; Length not needed ; .word 4 ; Length of gpgcnt .word jpi$_gpgcnt ; Request code gpgcnt: .blkl 1 ; Gpgcnt address .long 0 ; Length not needed ; .word 4 ; Length of cputim .word jpi$_cputim ; Request code cputim: .blkl 1 ; Cputim address .long 0 ; Length not needed ; .word 6 ; Length of terminal name .word jpi$_terminal ; Request code tnam: .blkl 1 ; Terminal name address tnamln: .blkl 1 ; Terminal name length ; .word 8 ; Length of account name .word jpi$_account ; Request code accnt: .blkl 1 ; Account name address .long 0 ; Length not needed ; .word 4 ; Length of sts .word jpi$_sts ; Request code sts: .blkl 1 ; Sts address .long 0 ; Length not needed ; .word 4 ; Length of owner .word jpi$_owner ; Request code owner: .blkl 1 ; Owner address .long 0 ; Length not needed ; .word 4 ; Length of pid .word jpi$_pid ; Request code pid: .blkl 1 ; Pid address .long 0 ; Length not needed ; .long jpi$c_listend ; end of list ; .end