========> [LT95B.ANTIVIRUS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains new anti-viral programs, this time only for MSDOS and related (e.g., windows) systems, obtained from risc.ua.edu, the national repository. They are present in the hope they will foster "safe hex" on your Intel engines. ========> [LT95B.NETSRC]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains programs from comp.sources.unix and comp.sources.misc since the S95 sigtapes. It includes C++ beautifiers, utils to change Sun hostids, barcode programs, a circuit simulator, Fortran and C program flow diagrammers, graphics programs, programs to do phone calls over the Internet, libftp, mvs tape access, notes, "trn" transliterate, starchart, curses() developer kit, C prettyprinter, factorizers, code to read Grolier encyclopedia, etc. Most of this material is for unix or posix systems. ========> [LT95B.PLOT_ROUTINE]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains a plotting program with documents and an image processing system, with sources. ========> [LT95B.TEXMF]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains the complete TeX and Metafont system collected and distributed by DECUS Munich, compressed to get it to fit. If you wish to decompress it, be aware that it takes close to 500,000 blocks. TeX and Metafont are a document publishing system. (DEC Document is based on TeX.) It works with a markup language and is widely used in publishing as a professional document preparation tool. Presented courtesy of DECUS Munich. ========> [LT95B.TKTCL]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains the TK and TCL command line interpreter and language and toolkit, ported to VMS. All related packages are presented as completely as possible. ========> [LT95B.TOOLS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This area contains a Pacman game and a collection of unix like (mainly Gnu) tools ported to VMS, with alpha and vax executables.