[374,12*] Submissions by Dave Mischler The following three submissions were uploaded into the RSX Bulletin Board system for inclusion on the Fall '89 RSX Sig tape. They are also available online on the BBS. Contact the RSX BBS at 612/777-7664 - username ACOUNT, password REQUEST. [374,122]Readme.1st - Cache tape Driver A tape 'pre-driver' which multi-buffers io requests, and passes them on to an arbitrary real tape driver. Improves BRU performance dramatically on TK50, TU80 and other streaming drives. [374,123]Readme.1st - BRUDIR in Macro A rewrite of the BRUDIR program in Macro-11. Handles named directories, and decimal version numbers. [374,124]Readme.1st - Symbolic Debugger This directory contains a symbolic debugger which runs on RSX-11M-PLUS. Complete details may be found in DBG.DOC.