========> [VAX83A.AMAX]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This directory contains: 1) FMS V2 form maintenance utility 2) Yet another Change Directory command procedure The form maintenance program is called FORMMAINT. It is written in VAX-11 FORTRAN and calls FMS V2 modules and the VMS CLI interface routines. There is a SLP file named FMSDCL.DIF, which when applied against the DEC supplied FMSDCL.CLD will produce a CLD file which is used to define the command FMS/MAINTENANCE that invokes the program. The form library FORMMAINT.FLB that the program uses is also included. The program functions as follows: 1) The command FMS/MAINTENANCE library invokes the program which brings up the FORMMAINT screen that shows the library file name and the first 10 screen names in the library. The screen names can be scrolled thru. 2) When you get to a screen that you want to see type a T or a E. A T invokes FMS/TEST for that screen. A E invokes FMS/EDIT for that screen. 3) To exit, type an X next to any screen name. 4) To change librarys or redisplay the current one, exit the scrolled area backwards using the PF1 up arrow sequence. 5) In order to insert a new form into the library, first edit an existing form, changing the name of the form in the forms editor. When you exit the forms editor, the new name will be entered into the library. To see the new name in the list, redisplay the current library. The CHD command procedure is yet another command procedure to change default directories. To use type: @CHD parameter Where the parameter can be: Page 2 * -- go back to sys$login ^ -- go up one level of directory tree > -- list all sub directories of current directory space -- do a SHOW DEFAULT {new directory} change default to new directory when entering new directory leave out the brackets "[]" I hope these are of some help to someone. Kenneth Robinson AMAX Copper 833 Roosevelt Avenue Carteret, N.J. 07008 (201) 541-9600 x2069 ========> [VAX83A.ART]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== THIS SUBDIRECTORY CONTAINS A SLIDE PROGRAM WRITTEN IN FORTRAN AND SEVERAL EXAMPLES OF ITS USE WHICH WERE TAKED FROM PREVIOUS DECUS TALKS. THE COMPROC.SLD FILE CONTAINS THE SLIDES USED IN THE INTRODUCTION TO COMMAND PROCEDURES TALK FROM ANAHEIM CA. ANY COMMENTS OR IMPROVEMENTS CAN BE SENT TO Art McClinton Mitre Corp MS W283 1820 Dolley Madison McLean Va. 22102 (703) 827-6356 ========> [VAX83A.ASDU]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== AUTOLOG ======= This subdirectory contains only one programs, AUTOLOG. AUTOLOG AUTOLOG is a program used to logoff (time-out) terminal users who are idle. An idle user is one who uses none of the following three system parameters: CPU_TIME, BUFFERED_IO, and DIRECT_IO. If all of these parameters remain constant over a period of 5 minutes (IDLE_TIME), then the user's process is logged out (DELPRC). When a user is idle for 4 minutes (IDLE_TIME - 1), he is giver a warning message. To make AUTOLOG work, it should be run as a DETACHed process from SYSTARTUP. The process also requires WORLD and OPER privledges. The command to create it as a detached process is: RUN/UIC=[1,4]/PRIV=(WORLD,OPER)/PROCESS_NAME=AUTOLOG AUTOLOG Provisions are made in the program to allow special users not to be timed out. These usernames are entered into a table at the beginning of the source program. We also do not timeout OPERATOR if one of the special processes (CMS2P or CMS2S) are running on the system. If it is not running, he gets the axe. This program is the same as the one on the VAX U.S. Fall '82 DECUS tape, except that it was modified to run under VMS V3.0. This version of the program takes care of users who have attached themselves to subprocesses using the SPAWN command. If a process has any active subprocesses, then the main process does not get the axe, even if it is idle. If a subprocess is idle for IDLE-TIME minutes and it's parent process is a terminal process, then the subprocess gets the axe. Control is then sent to the parent process. This parent process then has IDLE-TIME minutes to become active, or it then also gets the axe. For any further information, help, or to submit improvements/problems, contact me: Steve Moores Aurora Software Developement Unit C.F.B Greenwood Greenwood, N.S., Canada, B0P 1N0 (902) 765-3391 ext 864 ========> [VAX83A.BALL]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <========RESFOR -A program for resequencing FORTRAN Source Code Labels. ========> [VAX83A.BORGWARNR]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This directory srtucture contains the programs submitted in conjunction with the VAX SIG presentation on EDT and DSR Keyboard Command Extensions to the EDT Keypad Editor there are two subdirectories, one contains the EDT macros, HELPS and COM's to support its implementation, while the other contains the paper presented at the session. PLEASE NOTE: Some ideas used in these macros must be attributed to an excellent article by David Spenser of Infinity Software Coproration which appeared in the Nov. 82, and Jan. 83 editions of the DEC Professional. The user is refered to these articles for supplementary information. There exists, however, substantial additional material, including some nifty EDT "tricks" which may useful to those familiar with the article, including how to set up system-wide EDT initializ- ation files. for additional help contact Gerry Czadowski BORG-WARNER CORPORATION Roy C. Ingersoll Research Center Wolf and Algonquin Roads Des Plaines, Il 60018 (312) 827-3131 X323 ========> [VAX83A.BORGWARNR.EDT]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This directory contains the EDT macros and EDT HELP enhancement files. The files are broken up into subdirectorys as follows EDT MACROS [.SYSTEM] Initilization, Keyboard Keypad, and function macros used system wide [.USER] Initialization, and function macros used by a typical user COMMAND FILE MODIFIACTIONS [.COM] Segments of typical modifications to the System-Wide and user login files HELP UTILITY ADDITIONS [.HELP] Additions to the EDT help file to support the Keyboard macros. MISCELLANEOUS [.MISC] An additional Keyboard idea for developing key definitions via a function keyboard. ========> [VAX83A.BORGWARNR.EDT.COM]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This subdirectory contains revelent code for both the system login and user login files with respect to the EDT macros. Notes on system login file. Our philosophy was that if a user was not intellegent enough to be able to specify a EDT startup file using the logical EDTINI then he certainly was beneath the level necessary to use thest macros. In addition, we decided that if the user did not specify the logical name EDT$STARTUP then he preferred to bypass the system-wide keyboard definitions. Additionally, I should mention that our site is an old VAX site and therefore we still execute the user's login file from the system login file and do not use SYS$SYLOGIN and LGICMD as per VMS V3.0. If you ar using the later method, you will have to use something such as $ SEARCH/OUTPUT=NL: SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM "EDTINI" $ status = $STATUS $ edtini := "YES" $ IF (status .NE. 1) THEN GOTO NEXT $ edtini := "NO" $NEXT: and then check on the value of the local symbol edtini instead of the logical name assignments. ========> [VAX83A.BORGWARNR.EDT.HELP]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== INFORMATION ON INSTALLING EDT KEYBOARD HELP The file KEYBOARD.HLP includes help diagrams and key information for the following keyboards; EDT, DSR, and FORTRAN as well as the ASCII_CODE diagram. Note that the Help diagrams are only available in VT100 screen control and that, due to their size, work best with VT100 equipped with AVO (advanced video option) boards. The following procedure will add this file to the standard EDT Help file (you need some privileges to do this). $LIBRARY/INSERT/HELP SYS$HELP:EDTHELP.HLB KEYBOARD.HLP If you only wish to include helps for certain of the keyboards, edit out those you do not want prior to issuing the above command. ********************************* Also included in this directory is a template for use in developing new keyboard help diagrams and a help diagram for the numeric keypad diagram. ========> [VAX83A.BORGWARNR.EDT.MISC]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This subdirectory contains some work on a key definition keypad it includes some partion work on the key definition macro and the keyboard help diagram. ========> [VAX83A.BORGWARNR.EDT.SYSTEM]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== EDT SYSTEM MACROS This directory contains the following macro files SYSTEM-WIDE EDT INITIALIZATION FILES EDTSTRTUP.EDT - EDTINI.COM for everyone on system EDTUSERST.EDT - a dummy EDT user initialization file for users not specifying one of there own (does no useful work - simply there to prevent error messages) KEYBOARD MACROS KEYBRDEDT.EDT - EDT extension function keyboard definitions KEYBRDDSR.EDT - DSR (RUNOFF) extension function keyboard definitions KEYBRDFOR.EDT - FORTRAN programming function keyboard definitions KEYPAD MACROS KEYPADEDT.EDT - EDT standard keypad function definitions (partial) KEYPADNOS.EDT - NUMERIC keypad function definitions (useful for data entry) KEYPADSTD.EDT - EDT standard keypad function definitions (complete - includes all key definitions initially set by EDT) FUNCTION MACROS NUMBERS.EDT - Toggling functions for line mode NONUMBERS.EDT number display - used with EDT Keyboard Function VIEW SCRSMOT.EDT - Toggling functions for VT100 screen SCRJUMP.EDT scroll control (uses help utility) WIDTH80.EDT - Toggling functions for VT100 screen WIDTH132.EDT width control (uses EDT SET commands) ========> [VAX83A.BORGWARNR.EDT.USER]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This subdirectory contains a typical user's EDT files to be used in supplementation to the system EDT macros. EDTINI.EDT - Users EDT initialization file DELIMPROC.EDT - Some macros for toggling word delimiter DELIMPROG.EDT entities to assist in different editing tasks - one for programming and one for word processing (*this idea came from the DEC Professional article by David Spenser) TRMLOCAL.EDT - A pair of macros for automatically setting TRMREMOT.EDT EDT up for local (9600 baud) or remote (1200 baud) operation. DOCHEADER.xxx - some test files containing standard documentation templates which are includev via a function key ========> [VAX83A.BORGWARNR.PAPER]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== The paper presented at the DECUS symposium includes the following files: PAPER.RNO APPENDIX.RNO use DSR to process thest files into the report form. Please note that the paper includes some figures which were generated by VT100 graphics mode and screen dumped to a LA34. For your assistance the following table will direct you to the location of files which contains the sequences to generate them on a VT100 PAGE 4 : TABLE 1 > [.PAPER]TABLE1.MEM PAGE 5 : TABLE 2 > [.PAPER]TABLE2.MEM PAGE 10 : FIGURE 1 > [.EDT.HELP]KEYBOARD.HLP (EDT DIAGRAM) PAGE 12 : FIGURE 2 > SYS$HELP:EDTHELP.HLB [.EDT.HELP]KEYPADNOS.HLP PAGE 14 : FIGURE 3 > [.EDT.HELP]KEYBOARD.HLP (DSR DIAGRAM) PAGE 15 : FIGURE 4 > [.EDT.HELP]KEYBOARD.HLP (FORTRAN DIAGRAM) PAGE 17 : FIGURE 5 > [.EDT.HELP]KEYBOARD.HLP (ASCII_CODES) PAGE 19 : TABLE 3 > [.PAPER]TABLE3.MEM PAGE 20 : FIGURE 6 > [.PAPER]FIGURE6.MEM ========> [VAX83A.BUSUSE]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== This directory contains a program, BUSUSE, written at the Washington University School of Medicine to measure the disk IO load on your VAX. It is a direct decendant of an earlier program called MBAUSE. It generates a monitor like display of the activity on each disk drive and on each MASSbus adapter. Included in the display are the instantaneous QIO rates to each drive, a long term average of each drive QIO rate, the percentage of time each drive is busy, the average length of each drive wait queue, the average length of each drive's ACP queue, the percentage of time each MBA is busy, and the average channel wait queue length for each MBA. A command file is included to build the program. Since BUSUSE has its fingers in the executive, it will have to be rebuilt for version 4 of VMS. In fact, if you don't rebuild BUSUSE each time you move to a new major release of VMS, then it will probably crash your system. Richard F. Wrenn Washington University School of Medicine Department of Biological Chemistry 660 S. Euclid St. Louis, MO, 63110 ========> [VAX83A.CAMAC]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Computer Automated Measurement And Control(CAMAC) represents a non-proprietary standard for interfacing modular instrumentation to digital computer systems. The standard specifies electrical, mechanical and logical characteristics for designing such instrumentation as well as specifications for a digital data bus to link these instrumentation modules to the host computer system. Just for reference, IEEE standards 583-1975, 596-1976 and 595-1976 define CAMAC. The software contained in this distribution represents a CAMAC system developed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the Fusion Energy Division VAX 11/780 computer systems. It is designed around the Kinetic Systems 2050 series CAMAC highway driver unit. The system consists of four major software components. 1. A VMS device driver supports the QIO interface to the serial and/or parallel CAMAC highway interfaces. 2. A CAMAC Ancillary Control Process(ACP) provides a support for LAM management and CAMAC crate control functions. 3. A library of CAMAC I/O procedures provides convenient user access to the functionality of the CAMAC device driver and/or the ACP, insulating the user from the details of performing direct QIO requests. 4. A CAMAC Topology Supervisor(CTS) utility provides convenient access to privileged I/O functions performed by the CAMAC device driver and/or ACP such as defining logical to physical module equivalences and performing crate control functions. The system distribution consists of the following directories. 1. [CAMAC.COM] Contains DCL command files for performing most of the maintenance functions associated with the ORNL VAX CAMAC system. 2. [CAMAC.SOURCE] Contains source language, object, listing and library files associated with the ORNL VAX CAMAC system. These files should all be current so that there is no need to perform a new source level system generation. 3. [CAMAC.EXAMPLES] Contains a number of sample programs demonstrating the use of the VAX CAMAC access procedure calls. Page 2 4. [CAMAC.DOC] Contains source for RUNOFF and HELP utility files describing the ORNL VAX CAMAC system. 5. [CAMAC.CTS] Contains source, object and listing files along with the executable image for the CAMAC Topology Supervisor(CTS) utility program. Two manuals are included in the system distribution. One, the "ORNL VAX CAMAC System Manager's Manual" is only partially complete at the present time. The other, the "ORNL VAX CAMAC System User's Guide", provides a good introduction to the system, explanation of concepts associated with the system design and examples demonstrating the use of the various CAMAC access calls. If you should decide to use this system and encounter problems or have suggestions for improvements, please address them to: E.T. Blair P.O. Box Y Bldg. 9201-2 MS 4 Oak Ridge, Tn. 37830 Phone: 615-576-3972 ========> [VAX83A.COMPUSERV]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== VAX/VMS SIG tape submissions for Spring, 1983 Submitted By Joel M. Snyder CompuServe Incorporated 5055 East Broadway Suite A-110 Tucson, Arizona 85711 Telephone (602) 790-5061 A brief overview of submitted software is below. As usual, your comments, suggestions, and complaints are all welcome. Columbia University is very enthusiastic about KERMIT and will provide the VAX SIG with updates if we show sufficient interest. 1. KERMIT This software is contributed by the Columbia University Department of Computing Activities. KERMIT is a protocol for transferring files between computers over telecommunication lines. It does packetizing, checksumming, and retransmission to ensure data integrity. Microcomputer implementations of KERMIT also provide terminal connection at any speed allowed by both the micro and the host. KERMIT is like many other such protocols, but with several differences: 1. It's free. 2. It's documented. 3. It's well tested and in wide use. 4. Implementations exist for many different systems, including DEC and IBM mainframes and many microcomputers. Each implementation is written in the language best suited for a particular machine or operating system. KERMIT was developed at the Columbia University Center for Computing Activities primarily to facilitate offline storage of DECSYSTEM-20 files on microcomputer floppy disks. Implementations exist for the DECSystem-10, DECSystem-20, VAX-11, IBM 370 series, VAX-11 and PDP-11 under Berkeley UNIX, PDP-11 under RT11, IBM PC, Zenith/Heath Z100, Apple II, Apple II with Z80 softcard, Intetec SuperBrain, DECmate II (CP/M), Zenith/Heath H89 (CP/M), Osborne Page 2 1, Ohio Scientific, DEC Rainbow-100 and VT-180 ("Robin"), Telcon Zorba, TRS-80 II (CP/M), and Vector Graphics. Any KERMIT can communicate with any other KERMIT. 2. PSI User Group This software is contributed by the VAX/VMS PSI User Group. Read [.PSI]INDEX.TXT for an index of programs and files. Users interested in becoming members of the PSI User Group should contact me at the above address. ========> [VAX83A.COMPUSERV.KERMIT]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== 11/82 (This is somewhat obsolete, see also FLYER.*) KERMIT KERMIT is a protocol for transferring files between computers over telecom- munication lines. It does packetizing, checksumming, and retransmission to en- sure data integrity. Microcomputer implementations of KERMIT also provide ter- minal connection at any speed allowed by both the micro and the host. KERMIT is like many other such protocols, but with several differences: . It's free. . It's documented. . It's well tested and in wide use. . Implementations exist for many different systems, including DEC and IBM mainframes and many microcomputers. Each implementation is writ- ten in the language best suited for a particular machine or operating system. KERMIT was developed at the Columbia University Center for Computing Activities primarily to facilitate offline storage of DECSYSTEM-20 files on microcomputer floppy disks. The first implementations were for the DECSYSTEM-20, IBM VM/CMS systems, and 8080/Z80-based microcomputers running CP/M. The KERMIT specifica- tion has since served as the basis for new KERMITs. Any KERMIT can communicate with any other KERMIT. Here's a list of known KERMITs as of November, 1982: KERMIT-20 TOPS-20, native mode. Written in MACRO-20. KERMIT-10 TOPS-10, adapted from KERMIT-20 at Stevens Institute of Technology. KERMIT-CMS IBM VM/CMS systems on machines with the 370 instruction set. Writ- ten in assembly language. Does ASCII/EBCDIC conversion. KERMIT-80 For 8080 and Z80 based micros running CP/M. Written in 8080 assembler. VT52 emulation is provided unless otherwise indicated. Minor customizations (mainly the specification of serial port addresses, and details of screen control) are required for specific manufacturers. The following are presently available: . Intertec SuperBrain. . DEC VT-180 "Robin", operates as VT100 (adapted by DEC). . Apple II with Z80 Soft Card and D.C. Hayes Micromodem II. . Heath/Zenith-89. Operates as H19 terminal. . Vector Graphics. The Apple and Heath versions were adapted privately by DEC employees. KERMIT-86 For the IBM Personal Computer running PC DOS. Written in 8086 assembler. VT52 emulation. Page 2 KERMIT-C For any system that has a C compiler. Versions have been success- fully built for PDP-11 and VAX UNIX systems. All implementations listed above, with the exception of KERMIT-C, provide a TOPS-20-style command parser, including keyword recognition and built-in help. KERMIT-20 uses the COMND JSYS, KERMIT-10 uses GLXMAC/ORNMAC, KERMIT-80 and KERMIT-86 simulate the COMND JSYS, KERMIT-CMS simulates COMND as much as is possible on a half-duplex system. Work is in progress on other implemen- tations, and on improvements in current ones. KERMIT does not rely on any host system software or servers. All actions are initiated explicitly by the user. Typically, the user starts KERMIT on a microcomputer, "connects" through KERMIT to the remote host, logs in, starts KERMIT on the remote host, "escapes" back to the micro, then sits back and watches the packets fly. KERMIT can transfer files singly or in wildcard groups. KERMIT can be used between mainframes when appropriate connections ex- ist. Unlike its predecessors, KERMIT is neither truly full duplex nor "asynchro- nous". In order to accommodate itself to half-duplex systems and to machines like the KL that cannot accept sustained high-speed input over terminal lines, KERMIT does not "stack" packets and it does not send long packets; it always waits for a reply to each packet it sends. Thus transfer rates cannot be ach- ieved that are as high as for truly asynchronous full duplex protocols. Nevertheless, KERMIT has been clocked at up to 70% efficiency (user bits / baud rate). HOST REQUIREMENTS: KERMIT assumes the following: 1. All hosts can communicate in ASCII. KERMITs running on non-ASCII hosts are responsible for character set conversion. 2. All printable ASCII characters (in the range 40-176 octal) are ac- ceptable as input to the host and will not be transformed in any way. 3. A single nonprintable ASCII character can be used for packet synchronization. The character is normally Control-A (SOH, ASCII 1). 4. If a host requires a line terminator for terminal input, that ter- minator must be a single ASCII character, such as CR or LF. 5. The host's terminal input buffer is at least long enough to receive the longest ACK packet (about 15 characters). 6. If a host requires padding, the padding character is in the range ASCII 0-37 or ASCII 177 (octal). 7. If KERMIT is to transfer binary files, both communicating hosts must be capable of 8-bit terminal communication, i.e. they must be able to ignore parity. Page 3 KERMIT does not assume: 1. Anything about baud rate. 2. That the host can do XON/XOFF or any other kind of flow control. This kind of flow control can be initiated behind KERMIT'S back by commands to the host computers. If the hosts support any kind of flow control, then it can be used to cut down on retransmission due to buffering problems. 3. That the host is capable of full duplex operation. Any mixture of half and full duplex hosts is supported. In addition, KERMIT does not assume that the host has the ability to time out; if neither host participating in a KERMIT connection can do so, then KERMIT al- lows for manual intervention to wake up protocol deadlocks. ORDERING INFORMATION: The complete KERMIT distribution tape may be obtained free of charge from Columbia University by sending a magnetic tape and a cover letter telling what machines and operating systems KERMIT will be used on. A return mailer would be appreciated. 9-track tapes can be produced at 800, 1600, or 6250 bpi in TOPS-20 DUMPER format, TOPS-10 BACKUP format, or in IBM EBCDIC OS standard label or CMS format. Please indicate the desired tape format. The tape in- cludes source and binary (or hex) for all implementations of KERMIT, plus the KERMIT manual and specification document. A printed copy of the document is also included. Send requests to: KERMIT Distribution Columbia University Center for Computing Activities 7th Floor, Watson Laboratory 612 West 115th Street New York, N.Y. 10025 If you make any changes to KERMIT, or produce a new version, you are encouraged to send your work (including documentation) to the above address, so that other KERMIT users might benefit from it. Full credit will be given to contributors. 8-Nov-82 12:29:04-EST,00000007710;000000000001 Date: 8-Nov-82 12:30:20 From: Frank da Cruz Version: 1 sy.fdc at CU20B Subject: [RAMEE at DEC-MARLBORO: Re: Kermit blurb] To: sy.fdc at CU20B Mail-from: ARPANET site DEC-MARLBORO rcvd at 5-Nov-82 1517-EST Date: 5 Nov 1982 1514-EST From: RAMEE at DEC-MARLBORO To: CU.FDC at CMU-20C Subject: Re: Kermit blurb Message-ID: <"MS10(2055)+GLXLIB1(1056)" 11869577068.24.79.55121 at DEC-MARLBORO> Regarding: Message from LCG.DACRUZ of 3-Nov-82 1854-EST Page 4 Here is the version of the Kermit bulletin that we'd like to print. We made a few minor changes. Please let me know if you have any other changes. Thanks very much. Dee Ramee _____________________________________________________________________________ KERMIT KERMIT is a protocol for transferring files between computers over telecommunication lines. It does packetizing, checksumming, and retransmission to ensure data integrity. Microcomputer implementations of KERMIT also provide terminal connection at any speed allowed by both the micro and the host. KERMIT is like many other such protocols, but with several differences: . It's free. . It's documented. . It's well tested and in wide use. . Implementations exist for many different systems, including DEC and IBM mainframes and many microcomputers. Each implementation is written in the language best suited for a particular machine or operating system. KERMIT was developed at the Columbia University Center for Computing Activities primarily to facilitate offline storage of DECSYSTEM-20 files on microcomputer floppy disks. The first implementations were for the DECSYSTEM-20, IBM VM/CMS systems, and 8080/Z80-based microcomputers running CP/M. The KERMIT specification has since served as the basis for new KERMITs. Any KERMIT can communicate with any other KERMIT. Here's a list of known KERMITs as of November, 1982: KERMIT-20 TOPS-20, native mode. Written in MACRO-20. KERMIT-10 TOPS-10, adapted from KERMIT-20 at Stevens Institute of Technology. KERMIT-C For any system that has a C compiler. Versions have been successfully built for PDP-11 and VAX UNIX systems. KERMIT-CMS IBM VM/CMS systems on machines with the 370 instruction set. Written in assembly language. Does ASCII/EBCDIC conversion. KERMIT-80 For 8080 and Z80 based micros running CP/M. Written in 8080 assembler. VT52 emulation is provided unless otherwise indicated. Minor customizations (mainly the specification of serial port addresses, and details of screen control) are required for specific manufacturers. The following are presently available: . DEC PC100 "Rainbow" operates as VT100. . DEC VT-180 "Robin", operates as VT100. Page 5 . Intertec SuperBrain. . Apple II with Z80 Soft Card and D.C. Hayes Micromodem II. . Heath/Zenith-89. Operates as H19 terminal. . Vector Graphics. KERMIT-86 For the IBM Personal Computer running PC DOS. Written in 8086 assembler. VT52 emulation. All implementations listed above, with the exception of KERMIT-C, provide a TOPS-20-style command parser, including keyword recognition and built-in help. KERMIT-20 uses the COMND JSYS, KERMIT-10 uses GLXMAC/ORNMAC, KERMIT-80 and KERMIT-86 simulate the COMND JSYS, KERMIT-CMS simulates COMND as much as is possible on a half-duplex system. Work is in progress on other implementations, and on improvements in current ones. KERMIT does not rely on any host system software or servers. All actions are initiated explicitly by the user. Typically, the user starts KERMIT on a microcomputer, "connects" through KERMIT to the remote host, logs in, starts KERMIT on the remote host, "escapes" back to the micro, then sits back and watches the packets fly. KERMIT ensures that packets will be sent no faster than the host can receive them by waiting for an acknowledgement of receipt before sending the next packet. KERMIT can transfer files singly or in wildcard groups. KERMIT can be used between mainframes when appropriate connections exist. HOST REQUIREMENTS: KERMIT assumes the following: 1. All hosts can communicate in ASCII. KERMITs running on non-ASCII hosts are responsible for character set conversion. 2. All printable ASCII characters (in the range 40-176 octal) are acceptable as input to the host and will not be transformed in any way. 3. A single nonprintable ASCII character can be used for packet synchronization. The character is normally Control-A (SOH, ASCII 1). 4. If a host requires a line terminator for terminal input, that terminator must be a single ASCII character, such as CR or LF. 5. The host's terminal input buffer is at least long enough to receive the longest ACK packet (about 15 characters). 6. If a host requires padding, the padding character is in the range ASCII 0-37 or ASCII 177 (octal). 7. If KERMIT is to transfer binary files, both communicating hosts must be capable of 8-bit terminal communication, i.e. they must be able to ignore parity. KERMIT does not assume: Page 6 1. Anything about baud rate. 2. That the host can do XON/XOFF or any other kind of flow control. This kind of flow control can be initiated behind KERMIT'S back by commands to the host computers. If the hosts support any kind of flow control, then it can be used to cut down on retransmission due to buffering problems. 3. That the host is capable of full duplex operation. Any mixture of half and full duplex hosts is supported. In addition, KERMIT does not assume that the host has the ability to time out; if neither host participating in a KERMIT connection can do so, then KERMIT allows for manual intervention to wake up protocol deadlocks. ORDERING INFORMATION: The complete KERMIT distribution tape may be obtained free of charge from Columbia University by sending a magnetic tape and a cover letter telling what machines and operating systems KERMIT will be used on. A return mailer would be appreciated. 9-track tapes can be produced at 800, 1600, or 6250 bpi in TOPS-20 DUMPER format, TOPS-10 BACKUP format, or in IBM EBCDIC OS standard label or CMS format. Please indicate the desired tape format. The tape includes source and binary (or hex) for all implementations of KERMIT, plus the KERMIT manual and specification document. A printed copy of the document is also included. Send requests to: KERMIT Distribution Columbia University Center for Computing Activities 7th Floor, Watson Laboratory 612 West 115th Street New York, N.Y. 10025 If you make any changes to KERMIT, or produce a new version, you are encouraged to send your work (including documentation) to the above address, so that other KERMIT users might benefit from it. Full credit will be given to contributors. TOPS-10 is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation TOPS-20 is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation DECSYSTEM-20 is a registered trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation CP/M is a registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of Bell Laboratories VM/CMS is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation EBCDIC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation -------- ------- ========> [VAX83A.COMPUSERV.KERMIT.DOCUMENTS]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== 00README.TXT (4 May 1983) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY KERMIT DISTRIBUTION TAPE This tape includes all the versions of Kermit which were in our possession as of the time this distribution tape was made, plus some miscellanous files. The files on the tape have names of the form NAME.TYPE Where NAME is the name of file, and TYPE is its type (program source, documentation, executable core image, etc). No NAME is more than 9 characters long (the maximum accepted by VAX/VMS), and every NAME is unique in the first 6 characters (the maximum under TOPS-10). On TOPS-10 BACKUP/Interchange tapes, names longer than 6 will be truncated to 6. No type is longer than 3 characters. NAME and TYPE are separated by a period. * Prefixed Files: The file names for files associated with each implementation of KERMIT are prefixed by a few characters denoting the implementation. The following are presently used: Prefix Machine(s) Operating System Language 10 DECsystem-10 TOPS-10 MACRO-10 20 DECSYSTEM-20 TOPS-20 MACRO-20 VMS VAX-11 VMS Bliss-32 CMS IBM 370 Series VM/CMS IBM Assembler UX VAX, SUN, PDP-11, etc Berkeley UNIX C RT PDP-11 RT-11 OMSI Pascal CPM 8080, 8085, or Z80 CP/M ASM PC IBM PC or Zenith Z100 PC DOS, MS DOS PC Macro assembler APP Apple II 6502 Apple DOS DEC-10 CROSS In some cases, binaries (.REL, .EXE, .COM, etc) are not supplied. For instance, no binaries come with the UNIX sources, since these can be compiled to run on many different machines, under different versions of UNIX. No binaries come with the VAX/VMS source, since the file attributes cannot be saved on the tape. Binaries are provided when it makes sense, however: DEC-10 and DEC-20 .EXE files are provided on DEC-10 and -20 distribution tapes, MODULE files for CMS KERMIT on the IBM VM/CMS tape. In any event, all necessary files for building each version of Kermit from program source are included on all tapes. When working with one of these implementations, you would normally copy them to a separate area and strip the prefix from the file names, and install the programs on the appropriate systems without the prefix. For instance, on the DEC-20 you would copy 20KERMIT.MAC to KERMIT.MAC, then assemble it, and store the result as KERMIT.EXE in SYS:. The VAX/VMS version is an exception; in this case REPLACE the "VMS" prefix with "KER". Page 2 The following HEX files for specific CP/M implementations are included: CPMAPPLE.HEX Apple II with Z80 Softcard & DC Hayes Micromodem CPMAPPLE.SSC Notes for using above with Super Serial Card CPMBRAIN.HEX Intetec SuperBrain CPMDMII.HEX DECmate II with CP/M CPMGENERI.HEX "Generic" CP/M Kermit. CPMHEATH.HEX Heath/Zenith 89 CPMKERMIT.ASM Source file for all Kermit-80s but Generic Kermit CPMOSBORN.HEX Osborne 1 CPMOSI.HEX Ohio Scientific CPMRAINBO.HEX DEC Rainbow-100 CPMROBIN.HEX DEC VT180 "Robin" CPMTELCON.HEX Telcon Zorba CPMTRS80.HEX TRS-80 II with Lifeboat CP/M 2.25 CPMVECTOR.HEX Vector Graphics CPMZ100.HEX Heath/Zenith Z100 with CP/M-85 The "Generic Kermit" can be used on micros not specifically supported, if the CP/M IOBYTE facility is implemented, and the fields of the IOBYTE point to the right devices. See the User Guide for details. The Kermit Users Guide contains instructions for installing or bootstrapping the various versions of Kermit. * Manuals: There are two Kermit manuals: USER and PROTO, a user's guide and a protocol manual, respectively. Four versions of these files are provided: .MSS Scribe (UNILOGIC Ltd text formatter) source. .LPT Line Printer format (overstriking, underscore, etc). .DOC No special effects, suitable for reading on line. .FOR Like .LPT, but with Fortran-style carriage control. If you have Scribe and the appropriate Scribe device drivers, you can run the .MSS files through it to produce output suitable for printing on any device supported at your site, including the Xerox-9700 or other multifont laser printers or photocomposers. As of this writing, Scribe is not entirely bug-free; you may notice some problems with the footnotes in the .DOC and .LPT files. Note that some parts of the user manual rely on underlining to clarify examples; the underlines are missing from the .DOC files, but will be found in the .LPT files. The user's guide is intended for users of Kermit (including those who want to install it), the protocol manual is for those who would like to write a new implementation (i.e. a Kermit program for a new machine or operating system). ASCII.MSS is the ASCII/EBCDIC character table, which is included as an appendix in both manuals. MANUAL.HYP is a hyphenation dictionary for building the manual with Scribe. * Other Files: Page 3 00README.TXT is this file, which should appear at the top of any alphabetical directory listing, and is the first file on the tape. CORNELL.TXT contains a UNIX implementation of KERMIT from Cornell University, which we have not been able to bring up successfully at Columbia, but which might be of interest. The files MAC80.*, M80UNV, etc, are an 8080 cross assembler for the DEC-10 or DEC-20; MAC80.DOC is a brief description. TORTUR.M80 is a "torture test" for MAC80, which illustrates its features. MAC80 is used to assemble CP/M KERMIT. The files CROSS.* are a general purpose cross assembler for the DEC-10 and DEC-20; CROSS.DOC is the manual. CROSS is used to assemble Apple DOS KERMIT. TTLINK.* is a terminal linking program for the DEC-20, allowing you to log in to another system over a TTY line (e.g. using an autodialer). KERMIT-20 runs TTLINK to execute the CONNECT command. EZFIX.* is a utility for converting EasyWriter files sent to the DEC-20 from the IBM PC into ordinary text form. KERMIT.WHO is a list of all the sites Columbia has sent KERMIT tapes to. * Finally... If you make any modifications to Kermit, fix any bugs, or write any new implementations or documentation, please send them back to us on magnetic tape so we can distribute them to other Kermit users: KERMIT Distribution Columbia University Center for Computing Activities 612 West 115th Street 7th Floor New York NY 10025 We'll return your tape to you with the latest Kermit distribution. ========> [VAX83A.DCLPROMPT]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Dclprompt is a patch to DCL that allows users to change the prompt string that DCL displays. Instead of being greeted with "$ " at DCL, a user can have any string up to 80 characters. It has been tested with versions 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2 of VMS. Documentation is provided in the file DCLPROMPT.COM. Erick T. Blue Aleph-Nought Software Products 9206 Springhill Ln. Suite #303 Greenbelt Md. 20770 ========> [VAX83A.DENISON]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== This tape contains two directories of english programs. [.OLD] is a copy of the english grammar criticism and spell programs submitted on the fall 1981 DECUS tape. [.NEW] is a copy of the revised spell program and the expanded criticize program submitted at the spring 1983 Decus convention. Each directory has documentation for the installation of the programs. The other directory is the Denison computer center users guide. ========> [VAX83A.DENISON.OLD]AAAREADME.TXT;5 <======== [VAXF81.GRAMMAR]AAAREADME.TXT There are two submissions in this directory. The first is a system developed for our English department, and provides a fast spelling check program as well as a program to exert a mild criticism of writing style. The second submission is a library of useful subroutines that allow one to do many attractive things. If there are any problems using these programs, please report them IN WRITING to: Jeffrey S. Jalbert Denison University Computer Center Granville, OH 43023 LIBRARIAN'S NOTE: An assignment statement similar to the following is necessary before the images on this file will work: $ASSIGN DRA1:[VAXF81.GRAMMAR] ENGL Also note that the images must be defined as foreign commands to work as described, e.g.: $ENGENDNG :== $DRA1:[VAXF81.GRAMMAR]ENGENDNG or $ENGENDNG :== $ENGL:ENGENDNG ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== These are the contributions of the DFW VAX LUG. For help in reaching the authors contact: John Jenkinson DFW LUG Librarian MOSTEK Corporation 1215 West Crosby Road MS 32 Carrollton, Texas 75006 The contributions: [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.CAD...] STATS from the Computer Aids to Design Department and Gary Smith. This is an improved release from [VAX82B.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.STATS] It requires the CRT package from [VAX82A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK]. [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.CAM] Line printer pictures collected over the years. [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.OPSPLN...] Contributions from the OPerationS PLaNning department. It includes many command procedures, utility macros, and utility routines from Kevin Klughart. [VAX83A.DFWLUG.PLACID] A CB emulator from Chris Thomas of Placid Oil. [VAX83A.DFWLUG.WESTELECT...] The long awaited EDT compatable ICE {Interactive Command Editor} and a nice reminder program from Stuart Renes of Western Electric. ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.CAD.DOC]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== STATS Introduction The program supplied by DEC for monitoring the operation of VMS, MONITOR, is fine for instantaneous observation of the system. However, when it comes to long term information, MONITOR stinks. To that end, STATS and MOUSE were born to be what MONITOR is'nt. MOUSE stands for Monitor Usage Evaluator. It is a detached process that periodically wakes up, gathers information, puts it away for safe keeping, and goes to sleep again. STATS is the program that "formats" this kept information into various forms. Generating STATS and MOUSE 1) Since MOUSE periodically wakes up to sample the system, you must decide how often it is to sample. The default sample period is 5 minutes. At this rate, MOUSE consumes about 177 disk blocks/day and 18 cpu sec/day. I have found this a very satisfactory sampling period. Also you must select a place for the file that MOUSE creates and STATS reads to reside. The standard name is SYS$SYSTEM:RATSNEST.NST. This is also subject to your test. Since people organize their help librarys in different ways, you must also select the place STATS help file is to reside. These changes are effected by editing two files. To change the sample period of MOUSE, edit the file MOUSESUBS.FOR. Change the paramter ASCII_DELTA_TIME to suit your taste. To change the name of the performance file that STATS and MOUSE use, change the value of parameter STANDARD_NEST_FILE to your taste. To change the location of the help file STATS will use, edit the file STATSUBS.FOR. Change the parameter STANDARD_HELP_LIB to your taste. 2) Execute the COM file, AS.COM. Then execute the COM file MOUSEGEN.COM. Next execute the COM file, STATSGEN.COM. You have now created the a custom STATS and MOUSE for your system. 3) Copy the executeables in EXE: to a suitable place on your system, such as SYS$SYSTEM:. Edit your SYSTARTUP.COM file to run MOUSE as a detached process when the system has come up and become fully functional. Please note that MOUSE needs the privs CMKRNL, GROUP and WORLD to function effectively. STATS requires no privs at all. Please note that the file created by MOUSE has WORLD read access. Be sure the directory tree it resides under also has world access. Edit your master login file that sets up symbols to reflect the location of STATS so it can be executed from a simple invocation. Copy the file STATS.HLB to the location pointed to by the parameter STANDARD_HELP_LIB in STATSUBS.FOR. 4) Sit back and wait for MOUSE to "do its thing". I suggest waiting for 3 sample periods before doing anything with STATS. If you have any questions on STATS and/or MOUSE, I can be reached at (214) 466-8813. If you wish to write, send your suggestions or letter bombs to United Technologies Mostek Page 2 Generating STATS and MOUSE 1215 West Crosby Road Mail Station 600 attn. Gary Smith Carrollton, TX 75006 ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.CAD.SOURCE]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== STATS Introduction The program supplied by DEC for monitoring the operation of VMS, MONITOR, is fine for instantaneous observation of the system. However, when it comes to long term information, MONITOR stinks. To that end, STATS and MOUSE were born to be what MONITOR is'nt. MOUSE stands for Monitor Usage Evaluator. It is a detached process that periodically wakes up, gathers information, puts it away for safe keeping, and goes to sleep again. STATS is the program that "formats" this kept information into various forms. Generating STATS and MOUSE 1) Since MOUSE periodically wakes up to sample the system, you must decide how often it is to sample. The default sample period is 5 minutes. At this rate, MOUSE consumes about 141 disk blocks/day and 14.7 cpu sec/day. I have found this a very satisfactory sampling period. Also you must select a place for the file that MOUSE creates and STATS reads to reside. The standard name is MKL$TEST:RATSNEST.NST. This is also subject to your test. Since people organize their help librarys in different ways, you must also select the place STATS help file is to reside. These changes are effected by editing two files. To change the sample period of MOUSE, edit the file MOUSESUBS.FOR. Change the paramter ASCIIDELTATIME to suit your taste. To change the name of the performance file that STATS and MOUSE use, change the value of parameter STANDARDNESTFILE to your taste. To change the location of the help file STATS will use, edit the file STATSUBS.FOR. Change the parameter STANDARDHELPLIB to your taste. 2) Execute the COM file, AS.COM. Then execute the COM file MOUSEGEN.COM. Next execute the COM file, STATSGEN.COM. You have now created the a custom STATS and MOUSE for your system. 3) Copy the executeables in EXE: to a suitable place on your system, such as SYS$SYSTEM:. Edit your SYSTARTUP.COM file to run MOUSE as a detached process when the system has come up and become fully functional. Please note that MOUSE needs the privs GROUP and WORLD to function effectively. STATS requires no privs at all. Please note that the file created by MOUSE has WORLD read access. Be sure the directory tree it resides under also has world access. Edit your master login file that sets up symbols to reflect the location of STATS so it can be executed from a simple invocation. Copy the file STATS.HLB to the location pointed to by the parameter STANDARDHELPLIB in STATSUBS.FOR. 4) Sit back and wait for MOUSE to "do its thing". ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.CAM]AAAREADME.TXT;2 <======== These are some computer printout pictures that almost everyone has seen, but may not have a copy of. Now you do. The FILEnn.LST are generally overprinted. The *.PI0 AND *.PI1 aren't. Some may be found offensive. I didn't make any of them, I only collected them (I like to see how other people waste their time). See FILEnn.IDX for titles of the FILEnn.LST's. ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.OPSPLN]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== Mostek Operations Planning Systems DECUS VAX/VMS SIG Tape Spring 1983 Submission This tree contains submissions from the Operations Planning Systems Group within Mostek. While primarily a commerical shop, these submissions reflect some of the systems programming currently under development within this group. Additional information regarding this submission can be obtained from the authors: Kevin Klughart - Mostek Corporation 1215 West Crosby Road Mail Station 2306 Carrollton, Texas 75006 (214) 466-7506, 6910, 6815 Mostek OPS Spring 1983 SIG Tape Submission Page 2 Subdirectory Contents DCL - Useful DCL Command Procedures This directory contains some useful command procedures, including one for listing files on the auxiliary printer port of VT100/DT-80/CIT-101 terminals, and a command procedure to submit jobs to a remote host via the use of the VAX/VMS 2780/3780 protocol emulator on a remote node. DECNET - Useful DECnet-VAX Procedures This subdirectory includes several networking command procedures which are used to configure and boot our network. These can be of great use to anyone new to DECnet and all the ins and outs of configuring your network startup procedures. MACRO - Miscelaneous macro programs This directory contains two miscelaneous macro programs. One is an interface to the $SNDOPR system service which enables a user program to easily send a message to one of the VMS operators. The other is an interface to the $SNDSMB system service which allows a user program to submit job files to a specific batch queue. This routine is capable of the full complement of job submission options. TLXCOM - TELEX Command Procedures Command procedures used to support development of a VAX/VMS user interface to the domestic/overseas TELEX network. TLXMAC - TELEX Macros Macros used to support TELEX software. These include an extensive set of macros which support DECs Forms Management System (FMS) Version 2.0 and some limited structured macro constructs which ease macro development, status checking, and other common functions. Mostek OPS Spring 1983 SIG Tape Submission Page 3 TLXSPM - TELEX Structured Macros These are specifically structured macros which are currently under development to enable total structured support of high-level constructs within MACRO-32. Of particular interest will be the DO loop construct, CASE construct, and STRING manipulation macros as well as the LABEL stack generation/manipulation macros. These basic tools will eventually lead to more complete support of all the common structured constructs. TLXSRC - TELEX Source Modules These modules are source modules which utilize the macros which are mentioned above. They are included merely as an aid to understanding how easy these macros make program development under MACRO-32! When the full TELEX utility subsystem is functional, this package including source will also be contributed to the SIG tape, but as yet the software is still under development. ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.OPSPLN.DECNET]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== DECnet-VAX Support Procedures This directory contains some command procedures and other information regarding DECnet-VAX. These procedures should be of use to anyone attempting to start up their network from scratch. CONFIGNET Configures the local node, defines local communication lines, and then invokes NETBOOT to configure the remainder of the network. This command procedure is very site-specific and dependent on the hardware configuration of your particular machine. DEFAULT Documentation on the default parameters used by DECnet-VAX in configuring the network. LOGIN.* Login command procedures for the network manager and privileged and non-privileged user accounts. NETBOOT Defines the characteristics of all the remote nodes in your network. This command procedure is executed on every system boot to reconfigure the network data base. This is done so that a network manager may simply supply a new version of NETBOOT to all nodes an be assured that when the particular node is rebooted, then the network data base will be correctly updated. This file is site-independent and should be identical in all nodes in your network. Of course, the node names, addresses, and characteristics will be different for your network. NETINS Command procedure to install necessary network Mostek OPS Spring 1983 SIG Tape Submission Page 2 directories and generate appropriate network accounts on your system. This file once modified to meet your particular network requirements, can be migrated from machine to machine to make clone copies of the network throughout the entire VAX network. NETPRT/REMDCL/REMPRT Mostek-local DCL network objects to perform remote prints and remote DCL commands via DECnet. NML Documentation on switches to enable logging for the network management listener ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.OPSPLN.TLXCOM]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== T L X C O M - Telex command procedures This directory contains command procedures used in the development of the TELEX interface software package. There are command procedures to perform assemblies, link the object modules to produce an executeable image, generate macro and object libraries, and perform other utility functions. These prove very useful in the program development cycle, as via the command synonyms set up in the logical name assignment command procedure one can quickly work with one or a number of the modules in question. These command procedures make extensive use of VMS V3.0 DCL enhancements, including but not limited to the F$SEARCH lexical function. TLXASSIGN Assigns necessary logical names and DCL commands TLXBLD Builds necessary macro libraries and generates image TLXFLB Builds a form library using the FMS V2.0 librarian TLXLNK Links object modules together to produce image TLXMAR Assembles a source module using macro libraries TLXMLB Builds the TELEX support macro library TLXSPM Builds the TELEX structured macro library ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.OPSPLN.TLXMAC]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== TELEX Support Macros This directory contains macros which support the development of TELEX software. However, many of them have global applications in all types of software development using the VMS MACRO-32 assembler. FDVDEF An extensive set of support macros which interface the new FMS Version 2.0 form driver to the MACRO-32 assembly language. Easy to use and relatively efficient (anything is better than COBOL...). LIBDEF Several support macros for interfacing to the VMS run-time library. SCRDEF Support macros for the VMS screen shareable image. SPMDEF Structured constructs and character string support macros. STRDEF Support macros for VMS RTL string routines. TLXDEF TELEX specific macros and initialization constants. VMDEF Mostek OPS Spring 1983 SIG Tape Submission Page 2 Macros for support of the creation/deletion of linked lists using VMS RTL support routines. Useful for dynamic allocation of memory buffers. ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.OPSPLN.TLXSPM]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== TELEX Structured Macros This directory contains structured macros which support the development of TELEX software. However, many of them have global applications in all types of software development using the VMS MACRO-32 assembler. Some of the constructs in this subdirectory are unimplemented and currently under development. The remainder work and are useful and make coding much easier in MACRO-32. BRANCH Performs unconditional branches to a given location. CASE Support of the CASE construct. DO Support of the DO looping construct. EIS Extensions to the VMS instruction set to support conditional word-offset branches and other useful functions. ERROR Error processing macro. EVALUATE Conditional evaluation and syntax parsing. Currently unimplemented. Required for most of the other structured constructs. Mostek OPS Spring 1983 SIG Tape Submission Page 2 IF IF-THEN-ELSE construct support. LABEL Defines a label which has been generated on a user assembly label stack. See STACK. LOOP LOOP-EXITIF-ENDLOOP construct. REPEAT REPEAT-UNTIL construct. STACK Assembly stack manipulation macros. MACRO-32 does not support character string assembly-time constants, so this set of macros allows unique labels to be defined and stored on a label stack for later use in defining labels or generating instructions. STRING MACRO-32 does not support character string assembly-time variables. This set of macros simulates this facility and allows the assembly language programmer to create a vector of character strings and PUSH, POP, APPEND, and output these character strings to the assembler. A workaround to the current limitations in the assembler, and much better than many other solutions to the current variable limitations. WHILE Support of the DO-WHILE construct. ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.OPSPLN.TLXSRC]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== TELEX Source Directory This directory contains all source modules to the VAX/VMS Telex utility. The main Telex program is designated "TLX" and all other modules are prefixed by this designator. In addition to Telex macro source modules, this directory also contains the message source file which defines all valid Telex subsystem status codes and their associated message values. Note that no object, listing, or executeable images are placed in this directory. There are separate directories for these functions. The module TLX is the main Telex routine which calls all other subfunction modules. The module TLXCON attempts to establish a network logical link between the current interactive Telex session and the remote Telex server node. The remote server node executes the Telex program in network mode upon such a request and at that time Telex is invoked and the TLXNET module is activated on the remote node. The module TLXINI performs one-time initialization of process specific information such as the current execution mode (batch, network, or interactive), the current username, local node name, and remote Telex server nodename. This routine is executed immediately upon Telex activation regardless of the mode in which the subsystem is invoked. The module TLXCRT is activated for interactive screen-driven sessions only and performs initialization of FMS interface routines as well as activation of the interactive FMS Telex command menu. The module TLXFMS is called by TLXCRT to initialize FMS processing, and then activate the FMS Telex command menu parser (TLXMEN). Once the menu has been activated and all commands are complete, TLXFMS terminates FMS processing and returns to TLXCRT. The module TLXTIM is activated by TLXCRT to continuously display the current time and date on the upper left hand corner of the display screen. This routine displays the date and time, and then schedules a timer event to activate itself after a specified amount of time has elapsed. This allows a continuous display of the time and date regardless of the routine or screen being executed. The module TLXMEN is called by TLXFMS to display the Mostek OPS Spring 1983 SIG Tape Submission Page 2 Telex command options menu and prompt for the desired Telex function. This function is then used to select an action routine to execute (directory, send, etc.). Once the desired function has been executed, the menu is again displayed and the user may either enter additional commands or terminate execution. The module TLXSND processes the Telex SEND command and allows the user to fill in necessary fields to transmit a Telex message. Information such as the source and destination of the message, and copy information is entered and validated for correct syntax and character set compatibility. The module TLXMSG is activated by module TLXSND to actually enter the text of the Telex message. This routine optionally calls the TLXTFL procedure to append data files to user entered message text. The module TLXTFL appends text data files to user entered message text by opening the user specified data file and appending records until EOF is reached. Data records are checked for valid Telex character set compatibility and record length. Warnings are issued for violations of either restraint. The module TLXTIO reads a record from the user terminal and validates the record on a character-by-character basis for valid Telex character set and valid function terminator strings. ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.PLACID]AAAREADME.TXT;8 <======== [VAX83A.DFWLUG.PLACID]AAAREADME.TXT submitted by: Chris Thomas Engineering & Geoscience Computing Services Placid Oil Company 3900 Thanksgiving Tower Dallas, Texas 75201 This submission contains CB/Vax, the Citizens' Band radio simulator. 1. CB Source for CB/Vax version 2.3. The source language is Ratfiv V2.1, from either of the 1982 VAX SIG symposium tapes; I've included Fortran sources for those of you without Ratfiv. (The Fortran isn't pretty, but it does compile.) The principal advantage of CB/Vax is that it's completely terminal-independent. The files CBINSTALL.MEM and CBUSER.MEM contain further information. ========> [VAX83A.DFWLUG.WESTELECT.ICE]AAAREADME.TXT;1 <======== !!NOW!! *** From the same people that brought you SYSTAT/SYSDPY *** |I|c|e| Version 3.0 ICE is a command line editor for the VAX family of computers running the VMS operating system. It aids the interactive user in entering DCL commands to the operating system. With ICE you can: o Recall up to 22 previously issued DCL command lines o Edit any recalled DCL command line o Edit command text PRIOR to submitting it to VMS o Submit edited DCL commands back to VMS ICE will work on any compatible VT100 series terminal. *** THIS IS A NEWER VERSION OF ICE THAN ON PREVIOUS VAX SIG TAPES *** *** Read ICEBEWARE.BWR for installation instructions *** Your questions or comments are solicited and should be directed to: Stuart Renes, Dept. 477 Western Electric Co. 3000 Skyline Drive Mesquite, Texas 75149 214-288-2286 P.S. ICE has been LINKED against VMS 3.2. If you are still running an older version of VMS when you get this, you can use the RELINKICE procedure to re-link ICE, if necessary.