{ File: [22,320]VIEWPROC.TYP Last edit: 14-JUN-1989 14:11:24 } { Type defintions used by VIEWPROC users } Type { Status values returned from Vxxxxx calls. In general, VI_SUCCESS is returned for generic success. Where success could have several forms, then more specific descriptions are used. } VI_status_type = ( VI_success, { operation successfully done } VI_not_found, { field value not found in cache } VI_no_memory, { ran out of dynamic memory for field value cache } VI_msg_unknown, { message packet not recognized } VI_not_connected, { form was not connected } VI_connect_lost, { connection lost during connect processing } VI_connected, { connection made to form job } VI_connect_denied, { connection denied to form job } VI_changed, { field value changed from previously cached value } VI_no_change { no change in field value from cached value } );