Turbo, SYSTEM_MGMT, Locks OpenVMS VAX Images into Memory Turbo utility as posted to DECUServe. Turbo is intended to improve the performance of frequently activated images by locking their pages into system memory. See the file TURBO.VAX_NOTES for more information. Manifest: AAAREAD.ME - This file TURBO.C - C source code for Turbo TURBO.VAX_NOTES - Original VAX Notes thread from DECUServe TURBOMSG.MSG - Messages for Turbo TURBO_BUILD.COM - Build procedure The original replies to the base note on DECUServe included the source files noted above. I (Tom A) have extracted those into separate files for this distribution. Disclaimer: I (Tom A) have not played with this. Erik Husby, the person who posted it to DECUServe claims, that it does work as advertised. The impetus for posting Turbo came from some discussions on the VMS Internals mailing list (vmsnet.internals newsgroup) about reducing the overhead of image activation. Posted to vmsnet.sources by Tom Allebrandi, Inland Steel Research Labs, East Chicago, IN.