ELF 2 4@@ >IPF/VMS22-APR-2005 11:2122-APR-2005 11:21DELIVERDELIVER VERSION 1.3IPF/VMSMessage I01-08.note.shstrtabMSG$AAAAAAAAAAAMSG$AAAAAAAAAABMSG$AAAAAAAAAACMSG$SECTION.symtab.strtab.relaMSG$AAAAAAAAAABeV(J{   @ ~( 0 8 (@ bH P X ` ^h p x " l   L   2 INTSTKOVRInternal error, stack overflow.STKEMPTYInternal error, stack empty> BADSTKELE*Internal error, bad element found on stack>NOTPRIV,BYPASS privilege required for this operation6 CANACCUAF"No privileges to access SYSUAF.DAT6 NOSUCHUSER!No such user exists in SYSUAF.DAT: USERNOEXIST#Specified user "!AD" does not exist2 NAMETOOLONGUser name "!AD" is too longB NODEFAULTDIR*No default directory exists for user "!AD">NOMDFILE+No MAIL.DELIVERY file exists for user "!AD"J MESREAERR5Error reading intermediate message file, status = !ULB MESWRTERR-Message file write error, Pascal status = !UL> GETFILERR*Can't get file name from CLI, status = !ULD MESOPNERR/Error opening message file, Pascal status = !ULJ MSGWRTERR5Error writing intermediate message file, status = !ULD MSGREAERR/Error reading message file, Pascal status = !ULJUNKFUNC8Foreign MAIL protocol invoked with unknown function !UL.R GOTNOSYSPRV