ASK, UTILITIES, Enhanced INQUIRE-like User-Prompting Tool The ASK program can be used to read a line of input from SYS$COMMAND. ASK works like the INQUIRE command, except that it allows escape sequences and end_of_file (Ctrl/Z) to be read by the user. The input string or keypress is returned in a local DCL symbol. Options allow for the read to timeout, the result to be placed in a global DCL symbol, a default string to be applied if no input, the result to be all upper case, and that the input string is not echoed. ASK was written to simulate the RSX11M .ASK directive. By Mark Paulk, modified by James G. Downward, Phil Smith, & Ed James. Version 2.16 Ed James 13-SEP-1995 Includes object files from OpenVMS VAX V6.1 and OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 that use LIB$TABLE_PARSE, and from OpenVMS VAX V5.5 that uses LIB$TPARSE,