A2PSV1.028-OCT-2004 17:20DEC C V6.4-005  NUMBERING FOLDING RESTART ONLY_PRINTABLE  INTERPRET PRINT_BINARIES LANDSCAPE NEW_LANDSCAPE WIDE_PAGES NEW_WIDE_PAGES TWINPAGE  TWINFILES  NO_HEADER  NO_BORDER  PRINTDATE COLUMN LINE  LINE_NUMBER PAGES SHEETS OLD_PAGES OLD_SHEETS  SHEETSIDE LINESPERPAGE LINES_REQUESTED: P %%%%Trailer docsave restore end 8 Ps* P%d sheet%s] ( Ps P[Total: %d page%s on  Pstdin PsP%d sheet%s] PsP[%s: %d page%s on P %%%%Trailer docsave restore end PError opening %s PrP/inch {72 mul} bind def mP/filenmfontname /Helvetica-Bold def PP /CourierBack backspacefont 4P %% Global initializations P/empty 12 string def P/pnum 12 string def P %% Strings used to make easy printing numbers P } bind def P bodyfont setfont P/st { show P } bind def xP boldfont setfont lP/b { show 0P %% Functions b and st: change to bold or standard font  P } bind def P x0 y0 moveto P /y0 y0 bodyfontsize sub def P/s { show P %% Function s: print a source line P } bind def P currdate show pP (Date: ) show XP bodyfont setfont :P { datex datey moveto ,P/currentdate P %% Function currentdate: prints the current date. P } bind def P empty pnum copy pop P dup stringwidth pop (0) stringwidth pop sub neg 0 rmoveto show xP pnum cvs `P datefont setfont 8P { sheetnumberx sheetnumbery moveto $P/sheetnumber P %% Function sheetnumber: prints the sheet number. P} bind def P grestore P stroke P pagewidth 0 rlineto P 0 headersize neg rmoveto P 0.7 setlinewidth ~P{ gsave sP/hborder <P %% Function hborder: completes border of the header. 0P} bind def $P grestore P closepath stroke P pagewidth neg 0 rlineto P 0 pageheight neg rlineto P pagewidth 0 rlineto P 0.7 setlinewidth %% of the square pP gsave %% print four sides HP{ upperx 1 index get uppery moveto pop 8P/border P %% Function border: prints border page. Use sheetside as arg P } bind def P grestore P  filenm show %% file name P rmoveto P headermargin ~P add `P bodymargin 2 mul P filenmroom filenm stringwidth pop sub 2 div datewidth add P filenmfont setfont P gsave P empty pnum copy pop P grestore P (Page ) show pnum show %% page number P rmoveto |P headermargin JP pagewidth (Page 999) stringwidth pop sub $P pnum cvs pop %% page pop up P gsave  P grestore P date show %% date/hour P datefontsize headermargin rmoveto P gsave P grestore P pagewidth 0 rlineto stroke pP 0.85 setgray OP headersize setlinewidth (P 0 headersize 2 div neg rmoveto P upperx 1 index get uppery moveto pop P gsave P datefont setfont P { upperx 1 index get uppery headersize sub 1 add moveto P/header jP%% sheetside are passed as arguments. 4P %% Function header: prints page header. no page and (P} bind def P def P ifelse P { stdfilenmfont } P } P getfont P filenmfontsize filenmroom mul filenmwidth div P filenmfontname P { bP filenmwidth filenmroom gt SP /filenmfont (P /filenmwidth filenm stringwidth pop def P{ /filenm xdef  P/newfile P %% Function newfile: Initialize file printing. P %% FUNCTIONS P} bind def P definefont pop P end P currentdict xP Encoding 8 /backspace put PP /Encoding Encoding 256 array copy def 8P /CharStrings exch def .P end P currentdict P /backspace { -600 0 0 0 0 0 setcachedevice } bind def P CharStrings { def } forall P CharStrings length 1 add dict begin P } if eP /UniqueID UniqueID 16#800000 xor def @P currentdict /UniqueID known { %%if 5P } forall P 1 index /FID eq { pop pop } { def } ifelse P { %%forall P /Courier findfont dup length dict begin P/backspacefont { P %% Create Courier backspace font bP/getfont {exch findfont exch scalefont} bind def FP/xdef {exch def} bind def 1P %% General macros.  P$a2psdict begin P /$a2psdict 100 dict def P%%%%EndComments P%%%% a2ps 4.0 P%%%% Copyright (c) 1990, Miguel Santana, miguel@imag.imag.fr pP%%%% Description: PostScript prolog for a2ps program. lP%% KP%%!PS PostScript Source Code 8P/docsave save def (P%%%%EndProlog P/currdate (%.6s %.4s %.8s) def PError calculating time P/date () def PfalsePtrueP/twinfiles %s def P/leftmargin margin 2 mul 3 div def ~P/rightmargin margin 3 div def iP/margin %g inch def PP/sheetwidth %g inch def 6P/sheetheight %g inch def +P/y0 0 def  P/x0 0 def P %% Initialize page description variables. PPostscript header missing: %s PrP) s P) s P (PstPbP%sP) P( P(%-5d|P) s P) newfile P/currdate () def pP/date (%.6s %.4s %.8s) def HPError getting file modification timeOB <Pstdin%P/datex leftmargin def  P/datey sheetnumbery def P def P sub P topmargin pageheight add datefontsize add headermargin add P sheetheight P/sheetnumbery `P/sheetnumberx sheetwidth rightmargin sub datefontsize sub def @P/upperx [ leftmargin dup ] def P/uppery topmargin pageheight add def P %% Portrait format  P/datex topmargin datefontsize add def  P/sheetnumberx sheetheight topmargin sub datefontsize sub def  P/upperx [ topmargin dup ] def d P %% Only one logical page N P/datex topmargin def  P/sheetnumberx sheetheight topmargin sub def  P ] def  P dup 2 mul pagewidth add %% right page  P/upperx [ topmargin  %% left page  P %% Two logical pages  P/datey sheetnumbery def [ P/sheetnumbery datefontsize datefontsize add def $ P/uppery rightmargin pageheight add bodymargin add def  P%% Landscape format  P/topmargin margin twinpage {3} {2} ifelse div def  P%% two elements, indexed by the side of the sheet. h P%% the same for left and right pages: upperx is an array of . P%% In twinpage mode, coordinate x of upper corner is not  P%% sheet number. Coordinates depend on format mode used.  P %% Coordinates for upper corner of a logical page and for  P def  P sub ^ P filenmfontsize 4 mul datewidth add (Page 999) stringwidth pop add M P pagewidth @ P/filenmroom 8 P def  P bodyfontsize lines mul bodymargin dup add add headersize add  P/pageheight  P def  P bodyfont setfont (0) stringwidth pop columns mul bodymargin dup add add  P/pagewidth T P %% Logical page attributs (a half of a sheet). C P/columns %d def 4 P/lines %d def  PFont %g too big !! P/bodymargin bodyfontsize 0.7 mul def P/boldfont /Courier-Bold bodyfontsize getfont def P/bodyfont /CourierBack bodyfontsize getfont def P/bodyfontsize %g def fP/headersize %g inch def QP/headersize 0.0 def &P/headermargin filenmfontsize 0.25 mul def P/stdfilenmfont filenmfontname filenmfontsize getfont def P/datewidth datefont setfont currdate stringwidth pop def P/datefont /Helvetica datefontsize getfont def XP/datefontsize filenmfontsize 0.8 mul def @P/filenmfontsize 15 def (P/filenmfontsize 11 def P%% Character size for fonts. PfalsePtrueP/twinpage %s def PfalsePtrueP/landscape %s def Pbodyfont setfont Px0 y0 moveto PheadersizeP0dP/y0 uppery bodymargin bodyfontsize add %s add sub def >P/x0 upperx %d get bodymargin add def 5Phborder *P%d border P%d %d header P90 rotate %% landscape format Psheetwidth 0 inch translate %% new origin Pshowpage Pcurrentdate P%d sheetnumber P( P( +P) s P%%%%Page: %d %d |P^?yPM-RP%s is a binary file: printing aborted (PWrong value for option -l: '%s'. Ignored $P%dPWrong value for option -F: '%s'. Ignored P%fP/#copies %d def PBad number of copies: '%s'. Ignored P%dPError opening output file %s PwkP -w -nw wide (NARROW, 2-up if landscape) ,P -v -nv VISIBLE (blank) display of unprintable chars P -tnum set tab size to n P -s -ns PRINT (don't print) surrounding borders P -r -nr RESTART (don't restart) page number after each file SP -p -np print in portrait (LANDSCAPE) mode 4P -ofile output file P -n -nn NUMBER (don't number) line files P -m process the file as a man P -lnum use num lines per page lP -i -ni INTERPRET (don't interpret) tab, bs and ff chars 6P -Ifile include this file as a2ps prologue P -h print this information P -nH don't print any header P -Hstr use str like header title for subsequent files ~P -f -nf FOLD (don't fold) lines KP -Fnum font size, num is a float number  P -d -nd PRINT (don't print) current date at the bottom P -c -nc  NEW_LINESREQUESTCOLUMNSPERLINENONPRINTING_CHARSCHARS COPIES_NUMBER ! COLUMN_WIDTH" FIRST_PAGE #NO_FILES$ PREFIX_WIDTH %FONTSIZE & NEW_FONTSIZE'COMMAND (LPR_OPT ) HEADER_TEXT *PROLOGUE + PAGE_HEIGHT , PAGE_WIDTHDECC$GA_STDOUT DECC$GA_STDINDECC$GA_STDERR DECC$EXITPRINT_PROLOGUE PRINT_FILEPRINT_FILE_PROLOGUEallow (DON'T ALLOW) two files on the same sheet P -b -nb force (DON'T FORCE) binary printing lP -? print this information @Poptions = -#num number of copies to print PUsage: a2ps [options] [ f1 [ [H_opt] f2 ...] ] ,PB+P,B#P!P P P P PPPP` Pa?GzH?zG{A@^χDECC$GA_STDERR\l DECC$DFPRINTFRbϠDECC$GA_STDERR\lbϼDECC$GA_STDERR\lbDECC$GA_STDERR\lbDECC$GA_STDERR\lb*DECC$GA_STDERR\lb[DECC$GA_STDERR\lb~DECC$GA_STDERR\lbϘDECC$GA_STDERR\lbDECC$GA_STDERR\lbDECC$GA_STDERR\lbDECC$GA_STDERR\lbDECC$GA_STDERR\lbODECC$GA_STDERR\lbhDECC$GA_STDERR\lbρDECC$GA_STDERR\lbϤDECC$GA_STDERR\lbϳDECC$GA_STDERR\lbDECC$GA_STDERR\lbDECC$GA_STDERR\lb8DECC$GA_STDERR\lbLDECC$GA_STDERR\lb{DECC$GA_STDERR\l DECC$EXIT^ЬPRR#11R?1RPP? 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